Wake up with energy

Here are 5 ways to get better sleep & wake up with energy. (These work for me Amazingly)

  1. Get rid of all phones, computers and other digital devices 45 minutes before bed. When you look at a digital screen your eyes associate this with ‘‘day time’ which naturally wakes your brain and body up. I have found with myself and most of my clients, reading, foam rolling & stretching, meditating, visualising or something else relaxing will allow you to have a better sleep, get to sleep faster & therefore wake up feeling refreshed.
  2. Wake up at the same time every single day. This has been the biggest game changer when it comes to energy levels. Your body is a clock and you can train your body to wake up at whatever time you want naturally. Wake up Mon-Sun the same time daily and you will wake up with so much more energy!!
  3. Eat enough food but not too much food. If you try to eat at least 90 minutes before bed, it will give time for your body time to digest your food. When eating, listen to your body and when you are full and satisfied then make the decision to stop. It’s when you don’t eat enough you may not be able to get to sleep or if you eat too much your body has to work harder to digest the food while you sleep.
  4. Make sure the temperature of the room is comfortable. When your body is too hot or too cold we may find it hard to sleep. If it's too hot we wake up sweating and having weird dreams or if it's cold we shake ourselves to sleep and it's uncomfortable. Try to make sure your body (having hot showers before bed can make it hard for your body to cool down) and the room temperature is comfortable for you. 
  5. Relieve Stress-One of the most common factors when It comes to not having a good sleep is overthinking, stress & anxiety. I know I used to always grind my teeth when I was asleep and didn't even know I was doing it due to subconscious anxiety. In the same way, you might be having terrible sleep at the moment due to subconscious stress build up. I would suggest before you end your work day, do a brain dump. Dump down on a piece of paper everything that you are stressed about, have to do tomorrow or anything that comes to mind. Get it out of your subconscious mind or it will dwell in your mind all night causing you to have a restless sleep.



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