
Showing posts from February, 2023

Scientists determined that CBD helps block certain proteins

S cientists determined that CBD helps block certain proteins that provide an opening for Covid-19 to enter host cells in the body. 2 Covid-19 has spiky proteins that grab onto ACE2 receptors in healthy human cells, especially in the lungs. These receptors are like a “gateway” that allows the infection inside. But the researchers discovered that certain strains of hemp might decrease the level of ACE2 gene expression... In other words, they shut the gate to the virus by blocking Covid-19 droplets from infecting our cells. Earlier studies found that hemp oil alters gene expression. But the effects of hemp oil on ACE2 expression weren’t known. So the researchers developed more than 800 new hemp extracts. Using artificial 3D human models, they tested whether the high CBD extract could alter ACE2 expression in Covid-19 tissues. Given that inflammation is a significant component of viral disease, the researchers also examined the effect of the extracts on ACE2 expression in highly inflamed 3...

Brain health

 Brain Health Supplement with overlook super-nutrient.  An important study out of Malaysia backs up what I’ve observed for years in my own clinic: That an overlooked form of vitamin E not only prevents brain damage but can help repair it. In the study, researchers found that tocotrienols substantially reduce the formation of white matter lesions — the damaged area in your brain that contribute to Alzheimer’s and dementia. 4 Another exciting new study suggests tocotrienols also regulate your brain’s ability to receive and use DHA. 5  As a regular reader, you know that your brain is 60% omega-3 fatty acids, and DHA makes up 40% of that. You see, tocotrienols are a hugely important anti-aging nutrient that lengthens telomeres. In one study, telomere lengths were 16% longer than controls when exposed to gamma-tocotrienol. 6  A second study demonstrated that tocotrienols actually extended the length of telomeres while preventing damage to DNA. 7 A good way to naturally ge...

Look after your bodies

  Processed foods are often high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and sodium, while being low in fiber and essential nutrients. Some of the reasons why processed foods are considered bad for your health include: 1.   High in added sugars:  Processed foods often contain added sugars, which can contribute to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems. 2.   High in unhealthy fats:  Many processed foods are high in saturated and trans fats, which can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems. 3.   High in sodium:  Processed foods are often high in sodium, which can contribute to high blood pressure and other health problems. 4.   Low in fiber:  Processed foods are often low in fiber, which can contribute to digestive issues and leave you feeling less full and satisfied after meals. 5.   Lack of essential nutrients:  Processing can remove or decrease the amount of essential nutrients, such as vitamins and ...

ginkgo biloba

It’s called   ginkgo biloba , and when it comes to super-charging your brain’s superhighway, it’s just as powerful: • In a groundbreaking study on 1,200 patients, this ancient plant extract improved concentration by 25%. ( Advances in Therapy journal ) 19 • A second study of 256 middle-aged volunteers showed it can lead to “substantial improvements” in working and long-term memory ( Psychopharmacology journal ) 20 • And men and women over 50 with “moderate” age-related memory impairment showed “significant superiority” in cognitive tests after taking this plant extract ( Current Medical Research and Opinion journal ) 21 And get this. One remarkable study found ginkgo biloba dramatically increased the speed of attention of volunteers — and their increased attention was sustained for  hours . 22 The second remarkable neural pathway enhancer is a natural super-antioxidant that has incredible powers when it comes to improving focus, memory and brain energy. In fact, this compound ...

Sage does much more than balance your blood sugar.

 S age does much more than balance your blood sugar. It   al so: Protects against  Al zheimer’s.  Sage stops the breakdown of a chemical messenger called acetylcholine. 4  This neurotransmitter is directly involved in memory and levels fall as  Al zheimer’s progresses. The herb has  al so been shown to improve memory in older adults by up to 60%. 5 Fights certain kinds of cancers.  Studies found sage extract can suppress the growth of cancer cells and stimulate apoptosis, or cell death, in colon, liver, breast, and skin. 6 Supports bone health.  Sage contains a large amount of bone-boosting vitamin K. Too little of this nutrient is linked to bone thinning and fractures. Lowers inflammation.  Sage is high in rosmarinic acid (RosA), a powerful anti-inflammatory. A 2020 study found RosA can significantly reduce arthritis pain, improve breathing in asthma patients, lower inflammation of the colon, and relieve pancreatitis. 7 Ease menopause s...

Boost Oxygen And Fight Inflammation

  2 More Ways To Boost Oxygen And Fight Inflammation HBOT is the best way to lower inflammation and boost your immune system. But there are other ways to increase your oxygen intake. Here are two I recommend: Practice deep breathing.  This is a sure-fire way to get the healing benefits of oxygen. It can be done sitting or lying down. Just place your hands on your belly and feel it expand as you inhale. Then, expand your breath into your sides starting with 5 minutes a day and work up to 15 minutes. In no time at  al l, you’ll be boosting your oxygen throughout the day without even thinking. Try supplementing with Cordyceps sinensis:  Research shows this medicinal mushroom has the power to “turn on” genes that increase oxygen delivery to cells.

Replenish Lost Collagen Easily At Home

  Replenish Lost Collagen Easily At Home To boost collagen production for bone and skin health, I recommend supplementing with these: Replenish collagen with vitamin C . This humble vitamin provides a one-two punch... It increases bone density, especially in the spine 10  and maintains your skin’s existing collagen while encouraging new collagen production. I recommend getting 3,000 mg per day. I suggest taking a liposomal-encapsulated vitamin C to increase absorption by up to 98%. Sip bone broth . As bones break down when you cook them, the resulting broth becomes rich in collagen. This protein helps build bones and protect your skin.