Scientists determined that CBD helps block certain proteins
S cientists determined that CBD helps block certain proteins that provide an opening for Covid-19 to enter host cells in the body. 2 Covid-19 has spiky proteins that grab onto ACE2 receptors in healthy human cells, especially in the lungs. These receptors are like a “gateway” that allows the infection inside. But the researchers discovered that certain strains of hemp might decrease the level of ACE2 gene expression... In other words, they shut the gate to the virus by blocking Covid-19 droplets from infecting our cells. Earlier studies found that hemp oil alters gene expression. But the effects of hemp oil on ACE2 expression weren’t known. So the researchers developed more than 800 new hemp extracts. Using artificial 3D human models, they tested whether the high CBD extract could alter ACE2 expression in Covid-19 tissues. Given that inflammation is a significant component of viral disease, the researchers also examined the effect of the extracts on ACE2 expression in highly inflamed 3...