
Showing posts from January, 2023

boost acetylcholine and protect your memories

  2 more ways to boost acetylcholine and protect your memories There are other natural ways to replenish your brain’s supply of acetylcholine. Here’s what I suggest… Acetyl-L-Carnitine:  I’ve witnessed firsthand how this exceptional nutrient has restored razor-sharp thinking to many of my patients. And when you combine this powerful natural chemical with your choline cocktail, your body produces acetylcholine. Studies also show it has the power to repair aging hippocampi, which control learning, language, and memory in your brain. 7 The best sources of acetyl-L-Carnitine are grass-fed beef, poultry, fish, and dairy products. Fruits, vegetables, and grains contain relatively little. You can also get it in supplement form. I recommend taking 500 mg twice a day on an empty stomach. Look for a formula that has only L-Carnitine – not DL-carnitine. D-carnitine is synthetic, and it interferes with the action of natural L-Carnitine. Also, liquid ALC is more absorbable compared with powders and

Taste of Home - Free Sample

  Taste of Home  - Free Sample

Protect your heart with natural vitamin A

Protect your heart with natural vitamin A Vitamin A Recent studies on the peritoneal – the fluid sac that surrounds the organs in your abdomen – revealed that a key bioactive metabolite of vitamin A called retinoic acid provides the signal for macrophages to quickly ride to rescue damaged organs. 3 You may have already heard of retinoic acid. It’s found in many lotions for skin wrinkling. Retinoic acid is basically a more potent version of retinol, a common over-the-counter version of bioactive vitamin A that you’ll find in skin anti-aging creams and lotions. In your body, retinoic acid is synthesized from retinol. Now, your doctor may have warned you about the awful dangers of vitamin A. Symptoms like dizziness, nausea, headaches, fatigue, and anemia. What they DON’T tell you is that drug companies make synthetic forms of vitamin A and market them as drugs. They’re hoping you’ll trust their drug version instead of natural vitamin A. Protect your heart with natural vitamin A The best w

5-step protocol to relieve tinnitus

  Use my 5-step protocol to relieve tinnitus For years, I’ve treated patients with a simple five-step protocol. Ditch your ear-damaging pain relievers.  Taking an NSAID for the occasional aches and pain typically isn’t a problem. But if you find yourself reaching for one of these pills regularly, consider replacing it with a natural alternative... Tulsi (holy basil):  This powerful adaptogen reduces inflammation. It also contains ursolic acid, which inhibits the production of the inflammatory COX-2 enzyme. I recommend taking 150 mg three times a day. Indian Frankincense  — Indian Frankincense, also known as Boswellia, “significantly increases” both pain threshold and pain tolerance. Researchers even recommend it as a treatment for osteoarthritis. 3  I suggest 400 mg three times a day. White Willow Bark.  This plant contains  salicin , the same compound found in aspirin. Studies show it relieves arthritis pain as well as lower back pain. 4  I recommend 240 mg per day. Lower blood pressu

decouple carbon emissions from economic growth.

  It's refreshing to see wealthy countries finally learn how to   decouple carbon emissions from economic growth . This is especially significant for nations like Australia and New Zealand that historically have relied on coal. As it turns out, carbon emissions and GDP growth can be mutually exclusive. (Who knew!) The problem, of course, is that all of this is still ~30 years overdue. The climate will continue to warm, and that warming will continue to affect us. How does climate change affect the wine industry? Europe is wine's most important continent. Most of the world's wines come from Europe, and just 3 countries account for over half of all wine production: France, Italy and Spain. Global warming will eventually require pretty much every industry in the world to change the way they produce goods. But this is especially true for industries that  rely on the climate to survive , like wine. It's is one of the biggest topics in the industry today. From changing viticu

One scientist will be able to generate more ideas and insights than a team of 100 could in the past.

One scientist will be able to generate more ideas and insights than a team of 100 could in the past. In biotech that means: Drug discovery:  Today, discovering a new drug takes more than a decade. Many, if not most, diseases have no known treatments. AI can sift through tons of biological information to identify drug candidates and predict their effectiveness. Manual data curation:  Scientists spend most of their lives doing tedious, routine work. They pipette from one tray to another, manually curate data, and a lot more. AI can help with routine work while the scientist can think through the next experiment… the implications… the hypothesis, etc. Biomarker discovery:  AI can better detect patterns in genomic data to predict diseases based on genetic profiles, environment, and other factors. Wearables: AI can track and summarize data from a bunch of sensors that reveal the impact of lifestyle, nutrition, and environment. Personalized medicine:  The current status quo relies on a one-s

The T-Pandemic

  The T-Pandemic It is a worrying trend that, in the 21st century, testosterone levels in men are lower than ever before. Such decreased levels could be due to a myriad of factors, from increased stress to increased consumption of processed food and refined sugar. In addition, environmental sources such as plastic and heavy metals have been theorised to exert an influence on male sex hormones. The end result of this ever-dwindling testosterone level has many implications. Men today exhibit higher levels of anxiety, fatigue, and general lethargy compared to their predecessors. Besides, one of the worst side effects of low T is a decrease in sex drive or even a complete loss of interest in intercourse. With this in mind, it is fair to say that every self-respecting male should do their best to maintain optimal hormonal function. What Can You Do About It? Do any of those symptoms sound familiar? Do you feel like your testosterone levels are lower than you'd hoped? Don't worry - th

10 Steps to Financial Health in the New Year

  10 Steps to Financial Health in the New Year 1)   Take stock You can't make meaningful financial changes in the New Year unless you know where you are right now. A good place to start is with a snapshot of your overall wealth, otherwise known as your net worth. Add up your assets (what you own); then subtract your liabilities (what you owe). This will show you whether you're in the plus or the minus, help you plan and prioritize your spending, saving and investing, and provide a benchmark against which you can measure your progress over the years. This is also a good time to review your credit report to make sure your accounts and liabilities are listed accurately. Finally, look at your cash flow over the past year. What came in each month? What went out? If you regularly spent more than you earned, decide what changes you'll make to turn things around. 2)   Set goals and prioritize What’s at the top of your list of goals this year? Whether you want to save more, pay off

stay disciplined and how is that linked to happiness?

  So why do happy people stay disciplined and how is that linked to happiness? Resilience  Staying disciplined allows you to create a routine which requires commitment and repetition. Once the routine has been established and continued for a period of time, habits can then be formed. This then increases your level of resilience and any habits you want to create moving forward will be made easy as you would have created a new level of discipline and resilience.  Commitment  Once you learn to stay disciplined using the above method, reward and accountability you will learn to commit more often to things which means you will see the full reward from your hard work. Unhappy people generally have commitment issues due to the fact they are not just letting themselves down but others and also their future.  Freedom   Discipline creates a type of freedom you can never imagine if you don't know how to stay disciplined. Freedom is formed by having the capacity to do what you want when you wa

Protect your eyesight

  Give your eyes a break.   You can reduce your risk of myopia – or avoid making it worse – by not staring for too long at an object at close range. The important factor is distance. You should look up regularly so that your gaze can wander into the distance, preferably out your window to look at objects that are far away. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes or so, stop what you’re doing and focus on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This is especially important if you’re reading or looking at your phone or computer. Know when to wear sunglasses:   I reserve wearing sunglasses for high-intensity sun activities like snow skiing and water sports. Snow and water can magnify sunlight and increase the risk of damage. I also use them when I’m out in intense sunlight for extended hours.   It’s important to choose the right kind of sunglasses. Look for a pair with “99-100% UV absorption.” Or look for “UV 400.” This means they block all UVA and UVB rays. “Polarized” glasses help red

How to use goals for better health

  The umbrella goal   (till the end of your life): enjoy life more. Long-term sub-goal   (1+ years): be as healthy as possible - indicated by indicators such as body composition, energy levels, happiness, etc.   Medium-term sub-goal   (3-12 months): solidify new lifestyle and routines, indicated by hours physically active per week; hours slept on average every day, changes in body composition, and laboratory markers.  Short-term sub-goals   (up to 3 months): start and learn new habits, create routines and systems, get a coach to stay accountable (Mark Bryce is not bad!), and start a new nutrition plan. Indicators: calories & macronutrients per day; physical condition, weight circumference, photos etc.